Kate's Journey to Confidence

Kate, a middle-aged female with Asperger’s syndrome and a history of abusive relationships, fled from Somerset to Dorset after her most recent abusive relationship ended. She was struggling to navigate the housing services in her new location.

Kate was distressed and overwhelmed by the housing service processes and felt that communication with them had broken down completely, leaving her feeling dismissed and unimportant. The letters and emails she received were confusing and only added to her stress. Desperate for help, she came to the Hub.  

We welcomed Kate warmly and took the time to listen to her story. We understood her frustration and tailored our support to meet her specific needs. Among the solutions we provided, we connected her with organisations that could help with her finances and food poverty. We also raised awareness about Asperger’s syndrome and helped Kate collect the necessary information to support her accommodation application.

With our help, Kate now feels more confident in herself and less overwhelmed. The tailored support we provided made the housing process clearer and more manageable for her. She felt included and valued, which significantly improved her mental health. Kate now knows she has a place to turn to when she needs help.

Here is what Kate has to say:

“Thank you to all the staff at the wellbeing hub, I was at risk of taking my own life. I felt like you all cared about me and did not feel so alone. My mental health improved knowing that I could go to you when I needed you. I did not feel judged, I felt cared for. I felt like a proper human being, seeing your smiley faces and the consistent way you helped me.”

By working together, we were able to help Kate navigate a complex system that she couldn’t handle on her own. Without our support, she might have faced homelessness. 

Access Wellbeing is managed by Help &Care, PramaThe Lantern TrustBCHA and Dorset Mental Health Forum.  Visit our website to learn more.


Note: Names, as well as other identifying details are changed to maintain confidentiality and privacy. Photograph is a stock image.

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