Help & Care’s

Involving People Training

Our Experience

Involving People supports organisations to develop and deliver effective Patient and Public Involvement – PPI. Organisations know that the voices of those who use services should be central to all decision making, but sometimes they need help to do this well.

We have experience of advising and guiding many organisations on the most effective mechanisms to gather views, involve people in decisions, and coproduce solutions.

We are also experienced in running PPI projects using a range of methodologies.

We have developed a useful online toolkit Free PPI toolkit — Involving People – a set of resources that supports people to plan and deliver PPI.

We are also skilled and experienced in supporting people who get involved, running a volunteer network for the Wessex Cancer Alliance.


Our Training Offer

To enable organisations to have the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence, we have devised and delivered a range of training on PPI for a variety of professionals, flexed to meet specific organisational needs. The resources are based on our toolkit and draw from our wide practical experience, as set out above.

The training is arranged in a series of modules, including:

  • What is PPI – examining the difference between consultation, involvement, coproduction
  • Thinking about PPI as a cultural approach, rather than a one-off activity
  • Why involving people and communities is important, how it benefits services, and the consequences when people’s voices are not listened to
  • The legal and professional requirements, including what the NHS constitution says about involving people and communities
  • How to deliver PPI – the various methods available
  • How to support people and communities who we invite to get involved
  • How to plan a PPI exercise
  • The link between health inequalities and involvement

We tailor sessions based on the time available and the needs of the learners.

We also incorporate, wherever possible, input from people with lived experience.


Quotes from participants

If you are interested in talking to us about your training needs, contact:

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