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Dementia Coordinator Service

Many people living with Dementia feel that having support along their journey will maximise independent living and prevent a crisis. At Help & Care, we are committed to supporting you to live well with Dementia.

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group & Age UK, as an integral part of the revised Dementia Services Pathway for Dorset.

If you or a loved one have had a recent diagnosis, you will have been offered the support of a Dementia Coordinator by the Memory Advisory Service.  

If you have any further queries regarding this or other support options, you can email us by clicking here or alternatively you can contact us by telephone: 0300 123 1916.

Dorset Dementia Services include:

  • Memory Assessment Service (Dorset Healthcare) - for the assessment of memory problems and diagnosis of dementia.  In addition, this service will offer emotional wellbeing courses for carers. Once a diagnosis is confirmed, referrals will be made to Help & Care on your behalf. 
  • Help & Care's Dementia Co-ordinators provide post-diagnostic support for people with a diagnosis of dementia, their families and carers. This includes dedicated Early Onset Dementia support and more general information on dementia with signposting to local agencies. 
  • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (Age UK) - an evidence- based therapy for people with a diagnosis of dementia (any sub type)

Dementia Awareness Events

From time to time, we hold drop-in events (Facebook links here) providing information on services available locally with representatives on hand from Help & Care, Dorset HealthCare’s Memory Assessment Service, NHS Dorset (previously NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group) and AgeUK.

Find out more about the roadshow events and what is happening next by

Further information on the dementia service pathway is available at

To explore your options please

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0300 123 1916

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