Social Prescribing at Help & Care
Social Prescribing at Help & CareRead more.
Social Prescribing at Help & Care
Social Prescribing at Help & CareRead more.
Drop-in Dementia Awareness Events
Help & Care provide regular events alongside other organisations, for local people to find out more information about dementia care.Read more.
London Marathon 2023
Help & Care has FREE places in the 2023 TCS London Marathon (April 2023) one of the top-five World Marathon runs and the best known fundraising event in the UK.Read more.
Dorset's Dementia Pathway
Help & Care are delighted to be a key partner in the development and launch of Dorset's Dementia PathwayRead more.
Help & Care secure highest standard for health & wellbeing coaching training
Help & Care’s Collaboration with CEmPaC and the Dorset Primary Care Training Hub has received accreditation by the Personalised Care InstituteRead more.
Making Caring Visible and Valued
Celebrating Carer's Week: Making Caring Visible and ValuedRead more.
Moving Forward
We're moving onto our next chapter and out of the Pokesdown CentreRead more.
We bid Farewell to The Pokesdown Centre
"You can't really know where you are going until you know where you have been" - Maya AngelouRead more.